Scientists in school

Scientists in the school is when there are scientists visit on a meeting and you do science stuff. When my class did scientists in the school our subject was states of matter and it was very interesting. The main goal of our session was to figure out what the mystery powder was. The steps we Read More…

Le ski

Le ski est un sport d’iver, le ski est un sport est ce tu fais du ski il est quel que chose que tu descendes une grande colline. Il y a un skieur professionnel appele riley seger.Riley seger est ne a canada,vancouver le 21 avril 1997, ce qui signifie quil a 25 ans. Pour le Read More…

Morris and the forest witch

Morris was a 10 year old boy, he lived in the middle of the forest. He was  a Canadian boy who lived in a wooden house. The forest was about 30 feet away from his house so not too far.The forest was big, dark and scary for some odd reason even during the day it Read More…

Public speaking

Persuading my parents to let me spend my own money on what I want.   “OK, the final floor has been swept . I can feel the hard earned  dollars and as they reach my  hand…I can’t wait to spend it ! But wait, no I can’t because apparently this is not my money …” Read More…


Today i will be talking about my first science experiment. My hypothesis was i think the light travels fast. My procedure was : 1. I gathered my materials 2. I drew an x on each card 3. I made a  bullseye on one card 4. I put clay under all the cards 5. I lined Read More…